What does success mean to you? More money, a bigger house, a nicer car? I think it’s fair to say that success for most people means a better life for you and your family. To get that better life, we need to be successful at getting more money.
Seeing as how you’ve already stumbled upon this article, you’ve probably already figured out that there is something you need to change about the way you think about success. In this article, we will break down the key factors that affect your ability to be successful. By acknowledging these we can change your mindset about success, and how you go about getting more money.
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The Number One Obstacle

I studied electronics in college, and the first thing you are taught about electricity, it always takes the least path of resistance. Pretty basic rule. It’s the same with us as humans. We typically take the least path of resistance to most anything, including success.
This, however, is contrary to one of the basic keys to success. If you’re going to be successful at anything it requires hard work and consistency. And we all have seen or perhaps even purchased products that promise instant success if you just learn this one secret. When that doesn’t work, it’s on to the next big thing. We get trapped into thinking that being successful is easy if you only have the right information.
But the truth is that success almost always comes from hard work and persistence. It boils down to one thing, you can never, ever, give up.
“Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Your Thought Processes

How you think about the world around you will determine what you experience in it.
It’s been long known that one of the primary factors that determine your life experience is how you think about your life. It’s actually scientifically proven that optimists are more successful than pessimists. So change your mindset about success by thinking positive and seeing your life as want it to be.
For example, we all see that guy or gal that just never gets a break. If something bad is going to happen it’s going to happen to them. And on the other side of the coin, there’s the guy or gal who seems to always get the lucky break, the better job, or whatever.
If you were to observe their thoughts and actions you would likely see that the losers are always thinking they’ll never get that job, or nothing good ever happens to them. There’s a person I know who is exactly like this. He’s always taking the negative side of things, and negative things seem to follow him. His actions always taking the lead from his thoughts.
On the other hand, I know many successful marketers who are always finding good niches, and good products to promote. Because they are always thinking about and looking for new opportunities. They are always positive, even in their failures.
So how you think about yourself and your world makes all the difference. Your mind is like a computer. Program it with positive thoughts. See your life as you want it to be, and as if you already have those things you want in your possession. And remember, on any path to success you are going to encounter failures and mistakes. It’s part of the process. Don’t be afraid to fail.
Abundance and Gratitude

It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality of scarcity. There’s not enough to go around type thinking. If we are always worried that there isn’t enough to go around, we’ll always be self-limited. We’ll always be worried about sharing information that could result in more opportunities.
In reality, there is more than enough to go around. By changing your mindset to a mentality of abundance you will free yourself of limitation, and open up a whole new world of opportunities.
The abundance mindset will allow you to be happier, feel confident and secure.
Along with the abundance mindset, being grateful can have huge positive effects on our health. And your mood is often determined by what you’re thinking about. Your mood can also have an impact on your performance and effectiveness on a daily basis. Be truly grateful for the people and actions of others in your life.
Setting Goals and Taking Action

You can have the best intentions in the world and the best plan for success. If however, you don’t take any action on them, you’re not going to get anywhere, and in order to change your mindset about success, you’ve got to take action!
You don’t achieve success by taking a single step either. Success comes from hundreds, if not thousands of tiny steps.
It’s important to set short term goals and long term goals. If you only set long term goals you’ll never see the small accomplishments that it takes to achieve the longer-term goal. You will become discouraged and find it difficult to continue. By setting short term goals you can measure your success, and recognize your accomplishments along the way.
“Just remember, you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
In order to change your mindset about success, we’ve learned that there are a number of things to consider. Not only by setting goals, but also changing our mindset on how we think about our lives plays an important role. Even simple things such as being grateful and having an attitude of abundance can have a huge impact on our health, and overall level of energy, happiness and effectiveness.
Most of all, never give up, ever. Whatever your success dreams may be, keep them in the forefront of your mind and work toward them on a daily basis.
Additional Recommended Reading
Join me at Wealthy Affiliate where a community of over 1.4 Million people are working together to achieve success and wealth. Join for Free, No Credit Card Needed.

Wishing You Great Success,
PS. Feel free to comment and leave your questions below. I will be happy to reply and help any way I can.
I agree 110% with this post.
My oldest son is in training for management at his job. He’s been there only 3 years, and his bosses love him because of his willingness to learn and superb work ethic. This kid dragged himself to work with pleurisy and bronchitis.
He surprised me one day with lunch and said he wanted to thank me. I asked him why and he said, “All of my life, no matter what happened, I never saw you give up.”
Needless to say, I needed a few napkins.
I have always been driven by the desire to provide a comfortable secure life for my kids. Now at Wealthy Affiliate, I finally feel like this is within my reach. I have learned an done more in the last 2 months at WA than I thought I was capable of.
Mindset matters so much more than people beleive. I call it “speaking into being”. If you say “I’m never going to make it’ or “I will make it when the time is right” the universe will oblige you either way. Presume the positive, and keep going!
Thank you so much for this post. It is a boost we can all use once in a while.
Gwendolyn J
I agree 110% with this post.
My oldest son is in training for management at his job. He’s been there only 3 years, and his bosses love him because of his willingness to learn and superb work ethic. This kid dragged himself to work with pleurisy and bronchitis.
He surprised me one day with lunch and said he wanted to thank me. I asked him why and he said, “All of my life, no matter what happened, I never saw you give up.”
Needless to say, I needed a few napkins.
I have always been driven by the desire to provide a comfortable secure life for my kids. Now at Wealthy Affiliate, I finally feel like this is within my reach. I have learned an done more in the last 2 months at WA than I thought I was capable of.
Mindset matters so much more than people beleive. I call it “speaking into being”. If you say “I’m never going to make it’ or “I will make it when the time is right” the universe will oblige you either way. Presume the positive, and keep going!
Thank you so much for this post. It is a boost we can all use once in a while.
Gwendolyn J
Wow. That’s really cool. You’ve set a great example for your children. Kudo’s to you!
What you believe you can achieve.
Hey there Michael,
It is as you say that we have to have the right mindset to get us to believe we can be a success. I do believe the more we tell ourselves that not only is it possible we will be successful, but that we already are. You mention about setting goals, do you write yours down? I have found when I put my goals down on paper and tape it up where I can see it, it helps remind me not to give up on myself. I have been one of those who have gotten discouraged and kept trying different things, to only disappoint myself. I often find myself having to really go over my goals again to get in the right mindset. What techniques have you found useful to change you mindset about success and achieving wealth? As you say, regardless of our goals, to reach them we do have to make more money.
i have known some really negative folks and they just always look at life that they have it hard and they can’t get ahead and they unfortunately never do. What amazes me about folks like this, they are so caught up in that way of thinking, they won’t listen when you try to give them suggestions to help. Then there are those who are real goal setters and like you say, they are the one who get the promotions and because they have the mindset they are successful, they are the successful ones.
I do have a question as well about the program you recommend at the end of your post,Wealthy Affiliate, do they have a free trial, where I can try it out first and see if it’s for me? Also if there is a free trial, do they offer any training? I have had a tough time building on my website and especially getting it indexed in search engines. Would love to be a part of something that could help with that.
I see at the bottom of your post that Wealthy Affiliate has a huge community; do they have a forum on the site or Facebook Group page? I find it really helpful if there are individuals in these communities who have the experience and are willing to help out if you ask questions. Some of the Facebook groups, when you try to ask a question they just go on about how to join their system and don’t really give an answer. Would I be able to ask questions within Wealthy Affiliate or in a group! page and get legitimate offers?
Look forward to hearing back from you!
Hi, and thanks for your comments.
To answer your questions.
On goals, yes I do write them down. I keep them posted actually on my computer screen background where I can see them constantly. I also track all the little stuff, or short term goals using Trello, it’s free. It allows you to see what your goals are, what you’re working on, and what you’ve completed. I update these monthly, adding new ones, archiving old ones, etc.
As for Wealthy Affiliate. You can sign up for free and remain a free member for as long as you like. Training is organized in many different ways, ranging from classrooms, training videos, step by step approach, and more. Communication is happening all around you in the form of personal blogs, community questions, live Chat, and personal messages. You also have direct access to the owners, Kyle and Carson. It is a wonderful, friendly community. There is so much more. I recommend reading my review under #1 Products.
Wishing you much success,
Hey Michael,
What you have written in your post is a very hard-to-swallow, but universal truth. We like to take the easiest path, the path of least resistance, but without hard, consistent and persistent work, nothing can be achieved. Day in and day out. No excuses.
Today, I watched a video about a guy in South Beach, Florida, who runs 8 miles a day, every day (no weekends, no holidays, no illness halts him) for more than 40 years. THAT, my friend, is the quintessence of a great success mindset.
Hi Marios. Yes, it can be a hard pill to swallow. I remember when I first started affiliate marketing, I was that same, instant success mindset. Then after looking at the folks who were making money, it hit me like a ton of bricks, OH. I actually have to WORK at it. haha. One of those lightbulb moments I guess.
And yes, running 8 miles a day 365 days a year is a commitment and success mindset.
Cheers and Success,
A big thank you for putting up this article, Michael. It really got me into thinking and figuring out which area of my life I should change to see success. But out of all the advice out there coming from self-help gurus like Grant Cardone, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, or Tai Lopez. I’ve found one golden gem which I’ve been using til’ now.
That is, to “never ever give up” no matter what.
I realized that persistence can take me everywhere and is perhaps the only way for me to overcome all obstacles. Sure, I might not have the traffic or sales I want right now. I might not have the influence like my idol Internet marketers do. But it doesn’t mean I won’t get there.
The same principles apply to making money online and Internet marketing in general. The reason why 90+ percent of people never make a single dollar is because they quit too early. It’s probably because of the wrong expectations instilled in them by fake gurus and crappy programs (I’ve tried it myself).
That’s why I appreciate you taking the time to write this article. This information should get to as many newbies as possible to help them correct their mindset of success.
Thanks Dominic. Success really is a mindset. It’s sad that so many make money gurus instill that thought that all you need is their push button program to succeed. Then they join something fabulous like WA and wind up quitting before they get started.
Wishing you much success,
It took me several years to change everything in my head and I am not even near the end :-). Society has taught us since childhood how to be obedient individuals who will work according to one template, the school educates future employees, not entrepreneurs … it is an established formula.
Hi Michal,
It does take time. And agree with you how society teaches us to be basically robots, bending to the will of others.