Affiliate Bots 2 is the second iteration of an automated suite of tools now numbering 37 that supposedly uses automation and AI to find the right affiliate programs, get all kinds of traffic, and commissions.
Is it too good to be true? is Affiliate Bots 2 a scam? Well, let’s dive in and find out.
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What Is Affiliate Bots 2?

As previously mentioned, Affiliate Bots 2 claims that it’s 37 automated tools use automation and AI to find the right Affiliate programs, a ton of traffic, and make $1,000’s in commissions per day. In fact, their intro video says that a few Affiliate Insiders (including him, whoever he is) make $1,000’s a day from Clickbank, Amazon, and JVZ00, using automation and AI
Their video claims that HE (whoever he is) makes $417/Day in commissions right now! Of course, there is the typical proof of that income as shown below. It looks believable enough, but seriously, anyone with GIMP or Photoshop could create a screen like that. I’m sure you could find a cheap Fiverr gig to do it for you as well.

Affiliate Bots 2 is basically Affiliate Marketing with a twist. They’ve taken the basic steps of Affiliate Marketing which is:
- Find Niche
- Build a Website
- Attract Visitors
- Earn Income
And completely complicated it by introducing 37 (or thereabouts) different tools into the mix. What??? How in the world does that make the process easier? First of all, by using these tools you’re taking the human part out of the equation. Affiliate Marketing is all about HELPING people. This product, in my opinion, is just taking whatever product the tool spits out for the niche and selling it. That’s not what Affiliate Marketing is about.
Then the tool presumes to get you A LOT of traffic by various means in order to achieve affiliate sales. I’m sorry guys/gals but Google has gotten way to smart for things like this. Sure you can pay for advertising, but you don’t need 37 tools to do that. You can create a free WordPress website, add a landing page, then recommend a product if you just want to do that. Of course, I would never recommend doing that.
So, right off the bat, I’m not too impressed with what this automation and AI is giving you. It sounds like they’ve packaged a bunch of automated tools together for each step of the process in order to make you think that something special is happening.
What Do You Get With Affiliate Bots 2?

The website advertises specific tools that do the work in each step such as CB250 Affiliate Program software, IM Affiliate Bot, 1 Click Affiliate landing page builder, and so on. Once you reach the end of the presentation you are told that you get 22 different Bonuses, however, the bonuses are just a list of the 37 tools you’re getting.
Here’s what you get.
- 37 software tools in 1 insane offer – Valued at $4,670
- AI Search Engine – Traffic, AI Spy Tool & Niche Research – 18-in-1 Software – Valued at $997
- WebWidgets – “Copy & paste” to Convert Website Visitors into Buyers – 10-in-1 Software – Valued at $997
- AutoWebsite Tool – Create Websites with Content in 70 Seconds – Valued at $97
- Banner Bots – Create Banners in Seconds – Valued at $47
- CB250 – ClickBank Affiliate Program Software – Valued at $67
- AffiliateAds 2.0 – Split-Test 1600x CB Banner Ads Software – Valued at $67
- Launch Pulse – Top Launches Software – Valued at $67
- King Of The Zoo 2.0 – JVZoo Software – Valued at $67
- IM Affiliate Bot 2.0 Software – Valued at $97
- HostingAffiliate BOT Software – Valued at $37
- Warrior50 – WarriorPlus Software – Valued at $67
- ResellDB -Resell Rights Software – Valued at $37
- Domainaveli – Domain Name Software – Valued at $497
- 1 Click Affiliate – Site/Script-Building software- Valued at $297
- Rapid Video Ranker – video creation software – Valued at $97
- AutoMailer – Autoresponder software – Valued at $47
- Dropaveli – Find 100k Dropped Domain Names – Valued at $97
- 35 page Quick Start guide (PDF) – Valued at $97
- Quick Start Training Videos – Valued at $97
- All software Mac/PC Compatible – All Tools are CLOUD-BASED!
- AI + Automation = Huge Affiliate Commissions – Valued at $PRICELESS
- Months of updates planned – Valued at $997
So you are getting $9,540 worth of software for basically $12 if you take the $5 discount. Now they’ve supposed spent $17,160 developing this software you are getting for $12. Who in their right mind would sell you all of this for just $12 if it’s going to be making you over $400/Day? Hmm, sounds kinda fishy to me. Seems like I’d be selling all this for around $4,995 discounted price? I mean, it’s worth nearly $10,000, right?
OK, so on to my next bit of information. I was curious about the owner and creator of this program, so I did a little research. Affiliate Bots 2 is owned by Memeplex in the UK. The director is none other than Chris Mcneeney. The person who brought us now-defunct “Auto Traffic X” (I guess he likes the letter X as he’s fondly known as Chris X as well), and “Day Job Killer” which you can still waste your money on.
Yeah, so I am being a little rough on this guy, but I’m just pointing out the facts. Let’s review our scam identification rules.
- How long has the company been around? Maybe 2 years
- Who’s really behind the company? Are they real? Yes, he is real.
- Are they promising instant success? Yes
- Is there a real product behind the claims? Yes
- Are There Upsells? No
- What do others say about it? No positive results, only phony positive reviews
Is Affiliate Bots 2 a Scam? While I can’t say it’s a complete scam, it’ not something I would recommend. At $12, it’s not gonna break the bank, but do think it contains poor Affiliate Marketing tactics and doesn’t represent what Affiliate Marketing really is.
See my Affiliate Marketers Beginners Guide. You’ll find more useful information about making money with Affiliate Marketing, and it won’t cost you a penny.
Affiliate Bots 2 Review Results
- Website:
- Owner: Memeplex (UK Based, Chris Mcneeney – Director)
- Reputation: 5 out of 10
- Training: 2 out of 10 (Everything is done with presumed automated Bots)
- Hosting: 0 out of 10 (Not Included)
- Research Tools: 5 out of 10
- Website Builder: 4 out of 10 (Landing Page Builder)
- Support: 2 out of 10 (Includes 35 page Quick Start guide and some training videos)
- Cost: $17 (currently giving an additional $5 discount)
- Affiliate Bots 2 Final Ranking: 3.8 out of 10
Would I recommend this product? NO
How Does Affiliate Bots Stack Up To Our #1 Program?
Is Affiliate Bots 2 a scam? While it’s not a scam it doesn’t represent what Affiliate Marketing is all about which is helping people. Affiliate Bots 2 seems focused on creating landing pages for specific niches and products.
Can you make money with Affiliate Bots 2? I honestly do not see how it could make the money that is advertised by the program, over $400/Day. Can you make any money at all? You may make a few bucks off it, but nothing to write home about. Frankly, I could not find one single person that actually used it to make money. There are some positive reviews out there, however, they are not honest reviews. Probably just some Affiliate Marketers training to make a buck off a Clickbank product that has a nice website.
I hope you found this review insightful and useful.
To your massive success,
PS. Please leave comments and questions below. I’d love to hear from you.

Great review about Affiliate Bots. Actually a few days back, the first time I heard about Affiliate Bots2. But it was not clear with me every ting about their business and their claim about how people making money from there. But After reading this review now it is clear to me that Affiliate Bots is not a legit way of making money. Because I know personally making money is not that much easy how they are claiming. Instead of getting interested to make quick money we should think about to establish our online business which is 100% legit. And I absolutely agree with you Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform from where we not only get all the training but all the resources, and help everything included. Thanks for this great review.
Thanks Nazmun, I appreciate your comments.
Best Wishes,
Thanks for a great review of Affililate Bots 2. It came at a good time because I had a friend who had just called me and was wanting to know what Affiliate Bots 2 was about. Anything that you can buy for $12 that says it’s valued at thousands of dollars is obviously a red flag.
I guess what I really don’t like about this sort of program is how it can take new marketers who are trying to do the right thing and make an honest living online and confuse them with a bunch of shiny objects. Certainly seems like the case with Affililate Bots 2. After all bots can be helpful in a lot of ways when they’re used correctly but this certainly isn’t one of them. So glad you took the time to take a good look at this program so people can see what’s really going on here.
Thanks Judy. Your most welcome.
I heard of affiliate bots 2 and I was really curious to know how it works. Now after reading your review, I got a better understanding and I do not think it is worth buying. The only good thing about it is the landing pages. But for beginners, there is no training to help you and guide you in the affiliate marketing world.
It could have been a good software if their primary goal was to help people understand and learn to establish a viable business, not get rich quick scheme. Too bad.
Thanks for sharing
Your welcome. I think Wealthy Affiliate has all the tools you need, including hosting, tools, and ongoing training.
Best Wishes,