Hi, I’m Michael Green.

A LIttle About me
I’m a 50 something ex-IT guy, who’s decided to take a different path in life.
My wife and I have made some big life changes over the past few years. Plus we decided to homeschool our kids. All of which require that we spend more time at home rather than working 10 – 12 hour a day jobs plus traveling back and forth another 1 1/2 hours.
I love fishing, especially with the kids, and yeah, I’m still a tech guy at heart. I can’t resist playing with cool gadgets like the Raspberry Pi and home automation.
What Brought Me Here?
I got into this business because I wanted things like:
- Freedom from the 9 to 5 (or longer) prison
- To be able to work from home or anywhere I want
- Spend more time with my family
- Financial freedom
Sound familiar? Yeah!
I hated spending 12 plus hours away from home every day. It was late when I got home, the kids were always getting ready for bed, and I was dead tired! All for a job that wasn’t making me rich or successful, it was draining me and keeping me from the things in life that are really important.
I had been involved with Affiliate Marketing back in 2008. My J. O. B. back then took most of my time and I had very little free time to invest in Affiliate Marketing. What time I did have was getting eaten up by ME, yes, I was going down different rabbit holes all the time and never making any progress. It’s called “Shiny Object Syndrome”, so beware, we all get it. So I wound up taking a hiatus for several years.
I knew that Affiliate Marketing worked because I had followed a couple of guys and their progress over the years. I banged my head against the wall when I found out how much money they were making. Why didn’t I stick to it…
Oh well, there was no sense beating myself up about it and I knew what I needed to do. Come back to Wealthy Affiliate, take the training step by step, take action on what I learned, and stay away from all those shiny objects that pop into your inbox every other day.
So that’s what I’ve been doing and it works!
What Is Affiliate Cash 101 All About?
As I continue working on my business I found that the more I learned and the more people that I interacted with, made me realize that sharing the knowledge and helping others achieve their goals was what I really wanted to do.
I created this website with the goal of sharing what I’ve learned with people like yourself so that you too can build an Affiliate Marketing business and get out of the rat race.
Sharing the knowledge, tips, tricks, and tools that can help you achieve success is what this site is all about. My goal is to provide information about every facet of Affiliate Marketing. Obviously, this is all a work in progress. I add new information frequently and certainly don’t know it all and I never well. It’s a constant learning process.
I Want To Help You
Let me tell you, if I can do it, you can too. I failed miserably the first time I tried my hand at this. Why? because I was too dumb to listen to what I was being told.
I wasted a lot of years when I could have been building my online business instead of working 12 hours a day. Listen, I’m just a regular guy and it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it. You don’t need a college degree, and you don’t have to be an internet whiz. You can avoid the mistakes I made.
All you need is the desire and willingness to work hard to achieve your goals. That’s it! Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about getting rich overnight, that simply doesn’t exist. It takes time and hard work to build a business. BUT, you’ve got help right here to make that happen. There has never been so much opportunity for online success as there is right now, today.
So, this is it. Here we are, you and I. It all comes down to a choice. I’m sure you’ve heard that our lives are but a long series of choices we make. You are at a fork in the road, which way do you go? One path leads back to the same old daily grind, the other to potentially life-changing results.
Take That First Step
Come check me out at Wealthy Affiliate. That’s where I hang out. Don’t worry about pulling out your credit card, no need for that. I’ll greet you after you sign up for your free membership and we’ll be able to work together.
You can also contact me directly from my contact page, also found through the link at the top right of the screen.
I hope that your journey ahead is blessed with abundance in all areas of life.
Best Wishes,