6 thoughts on “Learn How To Make a Logo For Your Website Easily”

  1. Good Morning Michael,

    What a great idea to have a logo for your website. I had not thought about it before but I can understand how it will make you more visible and stand out in the crowd.

    You say it should be simple, versatile, relevant, and unique. Some pictures are starting to form in my mind as one of my sites is health-related and the other one is more on environmental issues.

    I will have a look at Canva as you suggest and then compare it with Photoshop. I know the importance of having your site mobile friendly as most visitors will use a mobile phone instead of a desktop. That is a good tip to not exceed the 30k. I am already reducing the pictures I download on my media file so to not hinder the speed of my site. 

    I will look into Inkscape as you recommend and compare it to the other possibilities and see what happens. Your post is really helpful, thanks a lot.

    Regards, Taetske

    • Hi Taetske. Thanks for the comment, and glad you find it helpful. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.



  2. When I first started to do affiliate marketing, performing an easy task sure as creating a logo was definitely not a easy task. As easy as this might be for me now a newbie would find it extremely difficult unless they are being guided by someone either through written content or video or even pictures.

    Any of these can go a long way but I think what helped me the most when practicing how to create a logo was the use of videos. That was a efficient way to learn how to build logo even with canva and I encourage anyone looking to learn to try this method.

    • Hi Jay,

      Yes, videos are a wonderful resource. You can find how-to videos on YouTube for just about everything. There are many videos on Canva and Inkscape. Inkscape is a great way to go because of the reduced file size and scalability of the images. I like to incorporate my website title and tagline in my Inkscape images so that the entire header of your website scales nicely on any device.



  3. I’m currently using Canva in creating a logo and other images needed for my website. Canva is good except for one thing: If your internet speed is low, or your computer is running slow, you will find Canva very frustrating. The features and the tools load so low that my blood pressure shot up high just recently. Can you recommend a similar site but a better one in terms of loading speed other than Canva?

    • Hi Gomer. Sorry to hear you have slow response from Canva. I’ve used it quite a bit, and I don’t have the fastest connection myself. You can try Logojoy.com and see if response it better there. Also, you can install Inkscape for free and design your own logo if you’re into that kind of thing. Cheers Michael


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