How To Sell CBD Oil Online – Tapping Into A Billion Dollar Industry

CBD Oil, formally known as “cannabidiol”, has become a very popular product over the past few years. In 2018 sales hit roughly $600 million dollars. It is predicted to hit a massive $22 BILLION by 2022, just three years from now. So learning how to sell CBD Oil online now could be one of the most profitable ventures you can undertake this year, and for the foreseeable future. With the market exploding, now is the time to jump on the bandwagon, so to speak.

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The CBD Oil Market

There are two types of CBD Oil, one derived from Hemp, and the other from Marijuana. To be clear, we are talking about CBD Oil derived from Hemp, not Marijuana. There is a distinction, and it’s important to note that only CBD Oil derived from Hemp is legal in most states, whereas it’s cousin is only legal in a handful of states. So it’s important to understand exactly what product(s) you choose to promote.

Currently, there are literally hundreds of different products out there, and these CBD Oil companies are making money hand over fist. So, what’s the best way for the average Joe to take advantage of this massive market and financial opportunity? The easy answer is Affiliate Marketing. With Affiliate Marketing you can make a nice profit by promoting the products of one or more of these CBD Oil companies. Read on, and we’ll go over what it takes to make this happen. You will be quite surprised as to how inexpensive (can be done essentially for free if you know where to go) it can be to start promoting CBD Oil products on your own website!

How To Get Started

The absolute easiest way to get started is to learn from people that have already done it. If you want to make a million dollars, find people who’ve made a million dollars, and follow their path to success, right? The best place to start learning how to sell CBD Oil online is Wealthy Affiliate. Why? It’s not just because you can signup for Free. The training resources are literally out of this world. Training is well organized with specific 1,2,3, steps. You can start creating your website and learning how to promote it from day one, no joke! Plus you get two Free WordPress Websites to start with, all for Free, as long as you like, no credit card needed.

You literally can’t go wrong. There is no other program that comes close to providing the value that this platform gives you. Once you sign up for a Free Starter Account you’ll be on your to way being part of the CBD multi-billion dollar market. You’ll get access to all the training you need in a community of like-minded successful Affiliate Marketers 1.4 million users strong.

How To Promote a CDB Oil Affiliate Product

What do you need?

  • A WordPress Website: This can be one of the Free Websites I spoke of above. Why WordPress? It’s simply the easiest platform to develop your website, used by a large percentage of websites on the internet today. You don’t need any technical skills. You will create our own brand with your website. And Wealthy Affiliate makes it super-easy. You pick a domain name, for example, BUYCBDOILONLINE.COM, give your website a title, then choose a Free WordPress Theme (the look of your website), and the Website Builder builds your domain with the press of a button in about a minute. How easy is that!
  • A Product to promote: As I mentioned earlier, there are hundreds of companies out there, and you don’t want to pick the first one that you come across. So Google is your friend. Google “CBD Oil Affiliate Programs”, and “CBD Oil Reviews”. Start checking out the reviews for the various companies and their affiliate programs. Look for those with good reviews that carry the products you want to promote. For example Oils, Capsules, Gummies, etc.  You want the highest commission rate you can find, which is about 40% in this market. Make sure their Cookie duration is at least 60 days. This is a piece of information that will allow your Affiliate ID for the product to remain active for 60 days or more on your buyer’s computer. So you will still get the commission even if they wait 60 days to buy your product. You want at least a monthly payout, which is most common. At the time of this writing “CBD Pure” is a great company to look at, but be sure and do your own homework on them.
  • Content: By Content, I mean articles, or Posts, on your website. Lots of them. They can be product reviews, tips, and other information that would be valuable to someone who wants to buy a CBD Oil product. Your Posts will need to be keyword targeted, meaning that you want to find keywords that buyers are typing into Google. Keywords that are targeted to specific types of users, or users looking for specific CBD products for example.

Some of this might sound a little foreign or confusing at first, but the training provided at Wealthy Affiliate takes you step by step through this entire process. Plus there are many successful marketers there to help you out. And they really are eager to help. It’s truly a community that supports each other.


The CBD Oil market is one of those markets that is already booming and will be growing into a multi-billion dollar market very soon. Now is the time to jump in, learn how to sell CBD oil online, create your own brand, with your own website, promoting CBD products that people will be snatching up like there’s no tomorrow. By positioning yourself now in the market, you will be able to create a very profitable business for yourself for the foreseeable future.

Wishing You Huge Success,


PS. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to get back with you.

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