If you’re like me, you want your kid’s college to be 100% paid for by the time they graduate from high school. The problem is, who has the extra money to put into a college savings plan these days and how many years will it take to save the amount of money you’ll need. And what if you have two or three kids reaching college-age only a 1 to 2 years apart?
Here are some startling facts. According to a 2015-2016 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) only 0.2 percent of students got $25,000 or more in scholarships per year. The annual costs of a college education continue to rise at about 4% per year. In 2018 the annual cost of a college education had risen to $21,000 for Public In-State College and $47,000 per year for Private Institutions.
Forbes reported in June 2018 that total US student debt was $1.52 trillion and the average student debt is $38,390. Student loan debt like that will take a decade to pay off. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my children to have to shoulder that burden. So what is the best way to save for kid’s college?
I’ve come up with a unique way to save for your kid’s college education that drastically cuts down on the number of years it takes to save the money you need but also gives you the ability to pay off all your debts and literally change your life. We’ll also take a look at one of the best saving vehicles around for funding a college education.
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Saving Options For College Tuition

There are a number of different ways to save for your child’s college education short of putting a second or third mortgage on your house. These include Roth IRA’s, Mutual Funds, and so on, but 529 Saving Plans offer much better tax benefits and no annual contribution limits, only lifetime limits which range from around $200,000 to $500,000.
Although 529 contributions are not tax-deductible, earnings in a 529 plan grow tax-free and they are not taxed when the money is taken out to pay for college. Many states also have tax deductions or credits for 529 Plans as well. In addition, as of January 1, 2018, you can withdraw up to $10,000 in tuition expenses tax-free for private, public or religious elementary and secondary schools per person (beneficiary).
Another great thing about 529 Plans is that you can invest in any state 529 plan no matter what state you live in. I recommend you take a look at SavingForCollege.com for answers to all your 529 Plan questions.
How To Fund A College Saving Plan

So yea, that’s the big question. You’ve got a mortgage, credit card debt, car loans, and maybe you’re still paying off your own college debt! Where do you come up with the extra money you need to into your child’s college fund without sacrificing retirement funds, if you even have one. According to 2017 report by CareerBuilder, almost 80 percent of American workers are living paycheck to paycheck.
You can’t count on college scholarships to foot the bill, and even with a scholarship, you’re still likely to have to pay quite a bit to make up the difference. So, how do you fund your savings plan?
So first let me tell you that I’ve been down this road before. I raised 4 children who are now grown, and I did not have the money to save for their college. Two of them went to college, and the other two did not. I was paying a hefty sum of child support for many years, and with a mortgage, and other bills, there just wasn’t enough. I mean, not even for a modest retirement.
Life throws us another curveball. My wife and I wound up adopting 3 young children, all under the age of 2 at the time. So although we were better positioned to save for college for these 3 kids, it wasn’t long before the recession hit, along with job losses, and we found ourselves back in a difficult situation again.
To make a long story short, we were bound and determined to find a better way to save for our children’s college. Something that was recession-proof. A totally different vehicle for putting money aside for college and retirement as well.
Enter Affiliate Marketing. While I had tried Affiliate Marketing in the past and had been unsuccessful, I ran into an old friend who had been learning the trade back when I was and was now very successful at it. So I asked him what his secret was, and to my surprise, he said nothing but hard work and persistence. He had surrounded himself with a number of successful Affiliate Marketers and just did what they did. Pretty straight-forward. This sounded like the best way to save for kid’s college and my retirement. If he could be successful, so could I.
The bottom line. The world has become a virtual marketplace. With Billions of people on the internet today making purchases of everything from ebooks to groceries, Affiliate Marketing is one of the best vehicles for everyday folks like you and me to build sources of income to fund the things we need in life.
How To Use Affiliate Marketing To Fund Anything

Since then I have learned how to be successful at Affiliate Marketing. Being older, and maybe a bit wiser, I was able to look back at my previous attempt at it and see all the things I was doing wrong.
What did I do? Well, I joined up with a community of Affiliate Marketers and began doing what they were doing. And by following step by step training and remaining laser-focused on this new source of income.
With Affiliate Marketing you can create yourself a business that produces the money you need in a much shorter period of time than you would by trying to save a few hundred bucks a month for many years. Plus I know how to replicate this business and create more online businesses that do the same thing.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not going to produce money overnight, but with a little old-fashioned elbow grease, you can start building a substantial online income that can not only solve your money issues related to college funding but your retirement income as well.
Another perk is that you’re working from home. You can spend more time with your family, and even come up with the money for some pretty cool vacations before the kids get to be college age.
How To Get Started Right Away

I have written a number of articles on how to get started with Affiliate Marketing, along with other resources and tools you’ll need along the way. Before I leave you with this information let me just say one thing.
Our children hold the keys to the future in their hands. Our world needs bright, educated, responsible, young adults to lead us through the many obstacles that currently stand in the way of a better future. It’s our responsibility as parents to see to it that they get a good education so they can be the leaders, scientists, teachers, doctors, and other professionals our world needs for the future.
To get started right away please see my Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing. It is full of information that you need to know to get started.
If you wish to join me in a community of successful Affiliate Markers please use the Getting Started Now link at the top of the page and find out how you can join for free to get started in this wonderful opportunity.
In Conclusion
We’ve looked at the facts facing us today with regard to student loan debt and the overall cost of a college education. But also learned that there are great college saving plans, like the 529, we can use to fund our children’s college education.
We definitely don’t want to leave our children on the hook to pay back tens of thousands of dollars in college expenses.
In addition, there are unique ways to come up with the cash we need to put into college saving plans. In particular Affiliate Marketing, which in my opinion the best way to save for kids college if you need a source of income other than your day job.
To Your Massive Success and Your Children’s Education,
PS. I’d like to hear from you. Please leave me a comment below, I’d be happy to get back to you.
I have come across some people that are still paying their college loans 10years after college. That is just the world we are currently living in with college fees increasing on a regular basis. Having a supplement income to take care of this is definitely a welcomed idea and I don’t know who won’t jump on such an offer.
Affiliate marketing is definitely a good idea and it is an income stream that can help pay off a student loan or can be used to save for college funds. Unfortunately during my time I had no idea that something like this existed and so did my parents.
Good thing I am now well aware of it as I can use it to save for my children’s college funds before they go to college.
I think it’s a great way to start generating money to put into a college fund, or pay off student loan debt. If you start early you can build a great income stream over time and once you have college funded, you can start funneling into retirement as well.