If you’ve been looking around the internet for information on how to make money online, Internet Marketing, or Affiliate Marketing, I’m sure you have probably run across The Warrior Forum. Founded over 20 years ago, its been around for a while. According to their website, some big changes are coming in 2019. So is The Warrior Forum a SCAM? Let’s take a look at what makes them tick and find out.
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As the title suggests, The Warrior Forum is a forum style site. You’ll notice right off the bat on the drop-down menus at the top, Forums, and Marketplace. Forums have your primary topic heading such as Beginners, Internet Marketing, Warrior Path, and so on. At first, it seems pretty neatly formatted, however, once you start digging into the areas of interest it can become confusing, especially for people who are new.
The initial upsell you’re going to find is the War Room, which will set you back about $97 for a one-year membership (there is no monthly plan). You’ll find that there are many posts in the free section that will link over to the War Room.
War Room access gives you access to specific training areas related to Internet Marketing. These include List Building, Affiliate Marketing, Product Launches, Email Marketing, Sales Funnels, Landing Pages, Conversion Rates and Growth Hacking. At first glance, it seems impressive with a lot of information. However, if your expectation is that this is your ticket to making money online, think again. It’s not really intended to be that way as its more of an information repository, which has its good and bad side. More on that later.
So on to the Marketplace. This is the home of Warrior Forum Special Offers, or WSO’s. Essentially, its where members sell their stuff. You’ll find products on a wide variety of topics. However, do your homework on any product you think you might want to purchase. You have to remember that these products are being created and marketed by members in most cases.
The Good
- Free to join
- Free information via Forum
- Active on a daily basis
- Affiliate links allowed
- Helpful to newcomers
The Bad
- $97 to join the War Room: It’s essentially an area where a lot of members share information for a price.
- War Room information may be quite dated, and a lot of it you can find online for free.
- War Room members tend to share their information for a price.
- The Marketplace inside the Warrior Forum is primarily dedicated to member products which can be pricey, and sometimes rather worthless.
- Poor reputation.
Warrior Forum Review Results
Website: www.warriorforum.com
Reputation: 5 out of 10
Training: 6 out of 10
Hosting: NONE
Research Tools: NONE
Website Builder: NONE
Support: 6 out of 10
Cost: Free to join. War Room $97/year (No monthly plan)
Final Ranking: 5.5 out of 10
Is The Warrior Forum a SCAM: No, not really.
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Is the Warrior Forum a SCAM? While you can find many people that will tell you its a SCAM, it depends on how you look at it. I would classify some Warrior Forum Marketplace products as SCAMs. They promise instant success in some form or another, which is a classic Red Flag for SCAM products. And frankly, some of the products are just downright laughable.
As for the Warrior Forum itself, they seem to have a history of complaints surrounding refunds pertaining to WSO’s. There are also a lot of members who will classify themselves as “Experts” with the intent of leading a less experienced user to purchase a product. You’ll rarely meet an expert that can prove they’re successful at anything other than selling newcomers some product.
The bottom line. If you’re looking for basic information on Internet Marketing you can definitely find that. However, you’re not going to find the goose that lays the golden egg here. You’ll pick up nuggets of information throughout the Warrior Forum, but there are places you can better spend your time and money.
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