Affiliate Marketing (AM) has been around for a while and is one of the most lucrative ways you can make money online if done properly. There is also a lot of information and misinformation out there on the ole internet on how to do it. The aim of this article is to show you how you can get started the right way, and how to get into Affiliate Marketing for free.
What Is Affiliate Marketing
First of all, let’s get a firm understanding of what we mean when we talk about AM. Simply put, it is promoting someone else’s product or service via some method, usually a website or blog site. You recommend the product or service, and your reader buys through your unique affiliate link. The primary method of doing this is by providing the potential buyer with useful information through a website or blog site.
Useful information can be in the form of a product review, an article about the product, or other useful information about the problem facing the buyer that your product solves.
Your Niche
A niche is a specific group of people looking for a specialized product to solve their problem. It is important to understand the difference between a broad market and a niche market. An example of a broad market could be “Natural Weight Loss Products”. If we were to search Google on that, we would find a ton of websites marketing all kinds of different products. A niche within this broader market might be “Natural Weight Loss Tea”. There would be a lot less competition for that and it would be a lot easier to target the smaller group looking for that specific product. When first getting into Affiliate Marketing it can be a lot easier if you focus on something you are passionate about. It’s easier to relate to, easier to talk about, and it’s something you already understand. Ask yourself “Who is it that I want to help?”
You can also take a look at my article on Niche Examples. In this article, I walk you through finding a niche market. That process can be used over and over again to find as many niches as you want.
Every problem typically has people out there talking about it somewhere. You can get plugged into these conversations by searching online and finding out what these people are talking about. From there you will begin to understand what their needs are, and how you can help them solve their problem, and ultimately purchase the product through your affiliate link. You can obtain a lot of good information for your website content by doing this.
What Tools Do You Need To Get Started

There are a few things that you will need to get started. Now, I can just throw out a few items like a domain, WordPress, a product, etc. But that’s not going to get you far if you don’t have a solid step-by-step plan to get you from point A to point B.
So the first item on my list is TRAINING. Unless you already have the knowledge, you’re going to need a solid training plan. All the information you need to create a solid training plan is out there on the internet, somewhere. How can you tell the good information from the bad? We’ll talk more about that in a minute.
The next group of items you’re going to need is:
- A domain to host your niche website
- A hosting platform where you can build your niche website
- A website platform such as WordPress
- Keyword research tools
These things can also be gotten for free. Read on…
Can You Really Start Affiliate Marketing For Free
The answer to this is YES, yes you can. You have many options for hosting free WordPress websites where you can create a sub-domain and host your website. SiteRubix is a great free hosting platform that allows you to create two Free WordPress websites. No Credit Card Needed.
WordPress is one of the most common and easiest website creation tools out there. About 33% of all websites are now hosted using WordPress. It’s very easy to use, and you don’t need any prior website experience. Simply pick a domain, choose a theme, and start customizing your website and adding content.
Putting It All Together – For Free
We’re talking about the key aspects of how to get into Affiliate Marketing for free, but we still need to address training. You can find a niche and create a website for free, but there are a host of other things to consider. Things like, how to do keyword research properly, how to write your articles, the best way to format your website, and so on. I don’t say this to discourage you, but to point you in the right direction.
If you can get all the tools you need in one place, for free, that would be the place to go, wouldn’t it? I mean all of it, Training (The BEST Training you can find), Domains, Hosting, WordPress, Keyword Research, a Support Group… Believe it or not, there is a place that does have it all, and costs nothing to sign up, not even a credit card! That place is Wealthy Affiliate. You can sign up for a FREE starter account, no credit card required. Stay a free user for as long as you like. You get Free Training Lessons, 2 Free SiteRubix Domains with WordPress hosting, and support.

We’ve gone over the basics of how to get into Affiliate Marketing for free, and the things you need to get started. And we’ve also learned where to find the training, the free websites, and the tools. With 1.4 million+ users, and every you need to start your own Affiliate Marketing business, Wealthy Affiliate is a no-brainer. No credit card is needed. Zero Risk! You can’t go wrong. What are you waiting for…
See you on the other side,
PS. Please leave a comment if you have any questions and I will get right back to you. Thanks!
It’s so hard to believe that you can get any kind of training for free anymore, so I am really excited about this Wealthy Affiliate company. I have really been looking for something different and this sounds like a great opportunity. You really explained everything very well and I am really excited about this product. Thank you.
Hi. Yes it is. With so many scams and misinformation out there. Wealthy Affiliate is the ultimate platform if you really want something that works. And you can’t go wrong as a free member. It’s like getting to drive a new car for as long as want before buying it!
Let me know if there is anything I can help with.
Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing this guide about starting affiliate marketing for free, this is something that anybody can do regardless of their financial situation which is great.
A siterubix website means that at the end of your domain name there is a “siterubix” attached to it, right? If that is the case then will that type of website do as well as a regular one? I look forward to your answer, thanks.
Hi. Thanks for commenting. Yes, it will be like This is true of any free website. Your website is a subdomain of the parent domain where it is hosted. The website you build on Siterubix is a 100% unique website you create, and you are free to transfer your Siterubix website to any domain of you choosing.
So, when your ready, you can purchase your own domain through WA or anywhere else, then with the help of Site Support you can move the entire site to your new domain.
Let me know if I can help further.