How To – Affiliate Marketing Website Guide

In this How-To article, we are going to take a look at Affiliate Marketing websites. Affiliate Marketing (AM) is all about promoting someone else’s product, but you typically need a website to do that.

In that past, websites were created by HTML experts and those with the technical know-how. However, today it’s become so easy that even a novice with no experience can create a beautiful website in minutes, literally. We’re going to find out how in this how-to Affiliate Marketing Website guide.

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What Is An Affiliate Marketing Website

First of all, what is an Affiliate Marketing website? Many think that you need to have a bunch of fancy graphics with flashy designs. That really couldn’t’ be further from the truth. With Affiliate Marketing you are building a brand.

An Affiliate Marketing website is an informational website. You don’t need a bunch of fancy graphics and designs. Sure you need to have some graphical representation of your topics, but that can be had easily by using royalty-free pictures within your content and adding free graphics from places like Canva.

When you consider that AM is all about helping people (see my Affiliate Marketing Guide) rather than creating a bunch of product sales pages, you can see that what your website really needs to be centered around is helpful topics for your niche readers. This comes in the form of helpful tips, how-to articles, information, and product reviews.

Your website should be focused on and geared towards helping your niche readers solve whatever problem they have, or find the product or solution they’re looking for. Once you’ve done that, you can recommend products that help your readers achieve whatever results it is that they are after.

So an Affiliate Marketing Website is a collection of articles and reviews, organized in a logical way so that your readers can find the information they’re seeking. Nothing more, nothing less.

What You Need To Start An Affiliate Marketing Website

what do you need to start a website

Before you can build your website you need to know who your website is targeting. Who are the people you want to help? This is your niche. Once you have identified this you can go about the task of actually creating a website.

As we said earlier, websites can be created easily today. The best platform to build your website is WordPress. WordPress websites are easy to create (literally a push of a button in many cases), easy to add articles or posts, and there are many free themes and plugins that will allow you to do almost anything you wish.

So, let’s break this out into logical, actionable, steps

  1. Identify your niche (the people you want to help)
  2. Next, you’re going to need a domain name. A domain is your internet real estate. A domain name can be a .com, .net, or .org website that you purchase, or it can be a subdomain of a free hosting platform like Site Rubix, or
  3. Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you need a place to host your domain, unless you have opted for a free domain. You can use hosting services from places like:
    1. SiteRubix (You can get a Free WordPress SiteRubix website when you sign up for free)
    2. Bluehost
    3. Hostgator
  4. Once you have chosen your hosting provider, you purchase your domain, or create a free domain, then follow your hosting provider’s steps to choose a name for your website, a WordPress Free Theme, and create your website.
  5. Now you have a website. Next, you will start creating content for your website. Content is what we spoke about earlier. The helpful tips, information, and product reviews.
  6. Next, you’ll want to choose top-notch affiliate product(s) your niche readers will be looking for. Products can be in the form of eBooks, services, physical products, or memberships. You can find affiliate programs for just about any product or service. You can search Google by typing in “[Product name] Affiliate Program” to find affiliate programs. Many times you can go to the product website, scroll to the bottom, and look for a link like “Affiliates”. Nearly everyone these days is using Affiliate Marketing to sell their products. You can also join programs at places like Commission Junction, ShareASale, Rakuten Marketing (formerly LinkShare), Amazon, and there are are many others.
  7. Once you have your affiliate products chosen, you’ll place affiliate links or provided banners on product review posts, and on your content pages were appropriate.

That’s it. These are the basic steps you’re going to take in order to build your affiliate website. Once you’ve created your basic site design and layout, you will begin the process of consistently adding content to your website. This is the most important step. You have to consistently add content to our website in order to become an authority in your niche.

SEO, Keywords, Ranking, And More

online marketing chart

As you might have guessed, creating your affiliate website is the easy part. There are other aspects of AM you’ll need to get good at.

Things like:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Keywords
  • Ranking In Google
  • Using Video
  • Social Marketing
  • Mailing Lists

These are some of the things that you’ll need to understand how to use within our content and on your website. Along with this how-to Affiliate Marketing Website Guide, I have written a number of articles that address these topics right here on this website.

Use the resources listed below to learn and understand how to effectively use these things to get traffic to your website, which in turn, translates to sales. And keep in mind, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme or program. It will take time to build your internet presence and the rewards are great for those who follow through and hang in there are.

Taking It To The Next Level

space shuttle blasting off

As with anything else, there are always faster ways to get where you want to go. With AM it comes down to training. Learning how to do things the right way, and learning how to avoid the pitfalls. If you want to fast track your efforts the best thing to do is learn from those who are doing it successfully.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can surround yourself with like-minded people and successful Affiliate Marketers. I invite you to take try out Wealthy Affiliate for Free, No Credit Card Needed. You’ll get access to the first 10 training lessons, 1 Free WordPress SiteRubix website to start your Affiliate Marketing Business and access to me! I can be your personal mentor if you like, or just help you get started. Whatever you want. I’ll greet you when you check-in as a Free Member, and let you know how to get in touch with me.

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In this how-to Affiliate Marketing Website Guide we’ve learned what an Affiliate Marketing website really is, and the steps required to create a website of your own. But more than that, we’ve learned what it takes to make a successful Affiliate Marketing website.

You’ve got many free resources available to you right here. Take advantage of them and see for yourself how you can start earning online and freeing yourself from the daily grind. Become a successful Affiliate Marketer.

To YOUR Success,


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Text Me: 1-205-614-3005
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PS. Scroll down and leave me any comments or questions. I’d love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “How To – Affiliate Marketing Website Guide”

  1. Glad you published this post. More people need to know what Affiliate Marketing is as well what it is not. I was aware of affiliate marketing many years ago,  but it wasn’t until I was invited my someone to check out the Wealthy Affiliate patform that I got truly interested. Six months in, I can say with certainty I have learned more about Affiliate Marketing as well as how to be proficient in creating an Affiliate Marketing website. 

    I highly recommend that your visitors take this very seriously and join Wealthy Affiliate, especially as they can do that for free. 

    I wish you all the best.

    Edwin Bernard


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